Saturday, 16 July 2011

We nearly beat the army. But we didn't.

I've left it a bit long to write this update and therefore can't really remember what happened. I do know that we were 2 - 1 up with around five minutes when our manager made a fatal error; Letting Chris H leave the field of play. For a couple of minutes we went to pieces at the back and that was long enough for them to score two goals, leaving a 3 - 2 loss. Maybe if Al had been available to be between the sticks he may have saved one, but it was not to be. Alas. It was a great game though, played as the game should be but without the whinging, niggling, kicking and complaining that sometimes occurs. They may have been the army but they were a good group of lads, fair play to 'em although lets hope they are less friendly when the hun come romping over the hill.

Unfortunately the Black Sox also managed to win leaving us bottom of the pile and ownership of the Jeff Cup in jeopardy, although we do have two games in hand, both against the Sox so it will all depend on those. Unless we're all over them, Chris you're doing the full ninety.

Oh, and the army had a player in grey who could kick it really, really hard. Just thought you should know.

Oh man of the match wise, er, we were winning when Chris was on the field and lost when he wasn't, so he can have it.

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Web Marketplace Solutions Football Club (WMpS FC)

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